Is chiropractic care right for me?

Chiropractic care is for anyone with a nervous system. Chiropractic care helps your body express its potential by allowing the nervous systems to properly communicate within the body. This allows for the body to self-heal and regulate itself like it was designed to do. It does this through a specific adjustment that affects the nervous system.

Is it safe or effective to get adjusted while pregnant?

Absolutely! Chiropractic care offers expecting mothers the opportunity to improve the function of their nervous system and their pregnancy. A Chiropractic adjustment can help in the realignment of the pelvis and distortion of the ligaments of the womb. Adjusting methods are always adapted to a patients size, weight, age, and condition of health.

Why should my child get checked by a chiropractor?

Pediatric chiropractic care is safe, gentle, and helps a child’s nervous system thrive right from the start. Many newborns may experience spinal trauma during the birthing process which is why parents bring in their babies to be check for vertebral subluxations. Due to the rapid growth of a child’s spine and nervous system, it is beneficial to receive care and corrections throughout this process. Chiropractic care for children is unique due to their size and age.